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Tree Shears
Cuts trees, brush, and limbs ...
The limitless application of this tool allows you to virtually clear any wooded lot or selectively harvest unwanted trees or brush such as mesquite, cedars, dogwood, alders, junipers, and osage orange.
Head rotates 90° to vertical position allowing for the cutting and pruning of limbs and bows
Cuts up to 12" diameter trees
Near ground cutting
- Fell trees can be sectioned for easy removal or clipped to length for firewood or compact loading.

Industrial 5" x 12" cylinder
Vertical or horizontal cutting position
Push-bar brush guard keeps tree in front of skid steer

Standard Specifications
Hydraulic cylinder: 3000#
5" bore
12" stroke
Weight: 850#
Height: 54"
Width: 46" |
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